This block is to cover the very basics of checking people in as well as showing an overview of the Roller Point of Sale, which is the front end of our booking system.
In the first video you will see how to navigate the menu items on the left. Look at the title tabs on the left, they are pretty self explanatory as to what is contained within them.
In the second video you will see the process of checking someone in for a standard session. If someone is walking in, don’t worry about taking their details. In this booking you can see that no name or contact details were taken down. If using a pass, or taking a future booking this information is relevant to take down.
To search for a booking that someone has already made you can use the search bar in the search tab. You can search by name or booking ID
If the booking you are looking for is on a future date, or is a 10-pass, or a handful of other scenarios, you may have to click ‘Search Online’ for the booking to come up.