There will be emails you encounter that you do not know how to deal with. When you encounter these, the protocol is to forward to your manager.
When the matter is time-sensitive and urgent, forward the email to the manager and call them at the soonest available time to discuss it with them, or if they are on-site, talk to them in person about it.
If you are unable to reach the manager and need to give reply, write something along the lines of the following
Hi Linda,
Thank you for getting in touch, I do not know how to deal with this situation, and have escalated the matter to my manager. They will be in touch with you shortly.
If the matter you do not know how to deal with is not urgent, forward the email to the manager, mark it as unread, and then send the manager a slack message explaining the situation. The manager will then instruct you on how to reply, or handle the email themselves.